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2019.03.27 Invited Seminar (Ali El Khakani)

2019-03-28 13:36

관리자 Hit 1891 트위터 페이스북

Invited Seminar





  We held a seminar on March 27, 2019, with an invited speaker. This speaker, Ali El Khakani, is a researcher at INRS, a Canadian national scientific research organization. He is an internationally recognized expert in the field of laser / plasma based synthesis, modification, nanoassembly and characterizations of nanostructured materials (including nanotubes, nanoparticles and ultrathin films) and their applications for photo-electronic, photovoltaic and photocatalytic devices. In this lecture, he gave a lecture on 'Pulsed laser ablation based nanodecoration of different materials to enhance their properties'.


Date : Wednesday, March 27, 2019 09:30


Venue : Seminar Room, 5-203, College of Engineering


Speaker : Ali El Khakani, INRS researcher

                  (Center Energie, Mat riaux et Telecommunications Varennes, Qc, Canada)


Topic: Pulsed laser ablation based nanodecoration of different materials to enhance their properties




초청 세미나



  2019327일에 초빙 연사를 모시고 세미나를 진행했습니다. 이번 연사인 Ali El Khakani는 캐나다의 국립 과학 연구기관인 INRS(Institut Natioinal de la Recherche Scientifique)의 연구원이며, 레이저, 플라즈마를 통해 합성한 나노 구조 재료(나노튜브, 나노입자, 초박 필름) application으로 전 세계적으로 유명한 전문가입니다. 이번 강연에서는 ‘Pulsed laser ablation based nanodecoration of different materials to enhance their properties’에 관한 주제로 강연을 진행했습니다.


일시 : 20190327() 09:30


장소 : 공대5-203호 세미나실


연사 : Ali El Khakani, INRS researcher

            (Center Energie, Mat riaux et Telecommunications Varennes, Qc, Canada)

주제 : Pulsed laser ablation based nanodecoration of different materials to enhance their properties